Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Growing & Changing

For the past couple of weeks I have been up at my parents house...playing house sitter while my Mother who is a travel agent.. escorts a group on a 12 night cruise! So naturally my Father went with! So..I have been holding down the fort with a baby and two pups! Yes, going a bit stir crazy considering how COLD the weather has been! 

The other day we went to visit a girlfriend of mine and her 13 month old girl. It was such a fun two hours!! First off..I was able to hang out with a girlfriend and have adult conversation!!! You really miss that..especially being a stay at home Mom... Plus, I don't have many gf's in the area that have when I heard she was in town I was ooober excited!  Second, Andrew was able to interact with another lil lady! They played so nicely together. It seriously couldn't have gone any better. In fact I think he has found his first love. Take a look at the pictures below!

Oh make me melt! Seriously!!

Valentines Day came and went so fast it does every year! My lil guy just loved his balloons! I created valentines through Shutterfly and added one of his cute Vday pictures. Everyone loved them.

One week ago from today, Andrew started to crawl! Like, full out crawl...and he is into everything. So, we headed over to Lowes to snatch up a gate and padding for the furniture corners. I'm sure we will have to do more but this helped a lot! Where did my lil baby go? 

Yesterday morning we had a gorgeous snow fall. Big crisp flakes! It may be our last snow for the year (fingers crossed) so I figure we should take advantage..

He absolutely LOVED it. The faster we went..the bigger the smile!! I took some video and will try to upload it later to share! When I first purchased his snow suit, it wore was really big. Now it fits him perfectly. Its amazing what 3 months does!

Ever since he has turned 10 months, a lot has been changing. Besides crawling he lets me know when he isn't happy. Yes, I believe he is already testing me. I didn't realize it started this early? :) 

When did this happen for you?


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Drew's 10 month Update!

                                                             10 Month Picture is Coming!

*saying Dadadadadadda!

*4 upper teeth of came in...ohh that wasn't fun. We have you wearing your amber necklace and it seriously works! Night time is a different story!

*You are still doing great at going "poo poo" in the toilet :)

*Add veggie soup, beef, chicken, peas, yogurt, broccoli, chicken pot pie!

*Three bottles a day..8 ounces  along with water. 

*In a crawl position..and ready to take off but doesn't! Standing at the couch...loves to hold onto one of our hands and stands.. good balance!

*Your demeanor is so fun..chill..and I love just being with you.

*We have been battling yeast infections but I think we got them under control now.

*You do a karate chop motion with your hand..too funny!

*When you are having a play with your hair... 

*You still LOVE to play in the tub with your toys!

*We got you the cutest sun shades....can't wait to really put them to use this summer!

*Started sign language.. doing..   "More, No More, Mommy, Milk, Daddy"

*I lean my forehead to you...and you lean right in. Head to head..ugh makes me melt.

*Size 9 clothing. Some clothes 6-12 from the Gap.. 

*You do so well when we are out to dinner..or lunch. So well behaved.

*Clapping your hands together. It took you 5 seconds to learn it after I showed you one time. 

*Standing now to play with different table toys. Sometimes you fall over.. and we say "Uh ohh spaghetti O's!

*Trying out different type of sippie cups. You are starting to pick it up with two hands..and you know you are suppose to drink out of it. Its just getting everything coordinated!

*Valentines day pictures were taken.. You were sooo into everything in the room. Checking it out. So serious. I couldn't believe it! I had to jump around and shake my hair to get you to smile. It didn't help you didn't really nap..

*Sleeping is getting a bit better.. you are going longer stretches now. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Valentines Day!

We had a mini Valentines Day photo session done the other day. I think they turned out great! All these holidays just got a whole lot better now that our Lil guy is with us!

I snatched up this cute tie over at  One Little Belt, on Etsy. The mustache and stache shirt I randomly came across over at Hobby Lobby. I think mini sessions are great for babies! They can only handle being in front of the camera for so long. I was also getting exhausted from jumping up and down and shaking my hair to get him to smile! Of course of all days, he decided not to nap till the last he wasn't in the best of moods.

Photography done by Kristine Kraft Photography, located in Columbia PA. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Potty What?

For the past month.. we have been putting our Lil guy on the toilet.. Two times a day..We had be struggling with yeast infections BIG time. So when a friend suggested it... and after I made that "WHAT?" face... I said..okay, lets give it a go. 

I picked up a smaller seat over at Target... and at the beginning..I just had him sit on it. Sometimes I would give him a toy to hold. This was an excellent way to let him "air" out.. Yeast loves moist areas.

Do not take these photos

Then after one week.. I would start looking out for signs that he was ready to number two! We would run up to the toilet..sometimes in plenty of time..sometimes not..but id still have him sit on the toilet.. and I would say..  "Is it poo poo time?"  Smiling...and just having a good time over all. 

Then about two weeks ago..something started to click. Soon as his cute little toosher sat on that seat he would actually go to the bathroom. Seriously. Not lying. Yes, I was in shock. We had to call Daddy...Gigi...the whole world. We celebrated..clapped our hands and said, "Yay, poo poo!"

Im not saying he is 100% potty trained..we are a long road from that. But what I am saying is...he understands what to do when he is sitting on the toilet. Also- this is great "air" time for his toosher. We only had two dirty diapers in the past two weeks. Also, there have been no signs of yeast infections since implementing this to our daily routine.

Do not take these photos

Who knows if this will help in the long run with potty training.. As I have read..the statistics are low. BUT it does help from getting red/soreness, yeast infections. Which has saved us money...and seeing our poor lil guy in such discomfort :(  

My girlfriend did a post on her lil guy and potty training...with her details.  I couldn't do all of this if I worked...cause it does take timing..and planning.No idea if daycare would go for this? Oh and you must be comfortable singing about poo poo. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Andrew Pictures!

A while back we had some photos taken in our house..I wanted a relaxed feel..well as relaxed as I could be :) It was also important to have some taken in his nursery...we will be moving again and I want to have pictures for him..of his very first room!

All photography by Melissa Barrick Photography 

I'm so glad we did these! I think she captured some beautiful shots! I can't believe his next big photo session...he will be one.year.old!