Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reading and More Reading...

So, here are the books we are trying to read...during all the chaos of moving cross country... !!

I had several Moms tell me this is a must! We also go the DVD...

I got this for Mr. Southbay of course..It is an easy read and really funny yet it has a ton of valuable info for the Dad to be! I'd definitely add this to your list! My goal is for Mr. Southbay to read a little each week... With his new job (he is doing a TON of reading at work) its so hard for me to say.. "can you read more tonight?" Especially when he comes home around 8:30!

This was a last minute purchase...just because it seemed liked EVERYONE had it..It is also very informative! I need to read through it a bit more.

I have learned a lot from this book! Especially with foods, cleaning products etc... A friend of mine had this book and had nothing but good things to say! She was right!

This was one of my first books we snatch up! It breaks down each week and what to expect, whats normal... How your baby is progressing. Kinda like your weekly updates from thebump.com...

If you are interested in any of these book in further detail..let me know! 

Last day of January!!! Time is flying by!


  1. Hey stumbled on your blog and love your photography! also congratulations on your baby! when are you due?
    P.S. i added myself to your followers, us expecting moms need ot band together right? haha

    Emily from

  2. Thanks for the suggestions! I'll bookmark this for future reference ;)
